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1 0 1 0 1
2 10.9 My loyal and beloved subjects. 10.6333332 My loyal and beloved subjects.
3 13.9666662 3 13 1
4 14.1 Sorean Antiqua speaks. 13.7 Sorean Antiqua speaks.
5 15.9 5 15.9 1
6 19.9 I have been your Emperor for little more than twenty years. 18.6333332 I have been your Emperor for little more than twenty years.
7 24.2 [ML:undisp ] 23.1 [ML:undisp ]
8 24.9666672 But today I stand before you in celebration. 24.666666 But today I stand before you in celebration.
9 29.0666676 [ML:undisp ] 26.7333336 [ML:undisp ]
10 29.166666 10 29.2333336 1
11 30.1 So that's the High Entia Emperor. 30.2 So that's the High Entia Emperor.
12 32.3333321 Sorean Antiqua. 32.3333321 Sorean Antiqua.
13 34.1333351 I will remain your Emperor for years to come. 34.1333351 I will remain your Emperor for years to come.
14 37.6666679 14 37.6666679 1
15 38.1666679 But now is the time to announce my successor. 38.1666679 But now is the time to announce my successor.
16 42.1666679 May I introduce your crown princess... 42.3333321 May I introduce your crown princess...
17 45.6333351 [ML:undisp ] 43.8 [ML:undisp ]
18 45.6333351 And there's the lady herself. 45.8 And there's the lady herself.
19 48 Melia Antiqua! 48 Melia Antiqua!
20 50.2333336 It's her. 50.2333336 It's her.
21 51.9333344 21 51.9333344 1
22 52.5333328 She's a princess?! 52.5333328 She's a princess?!
23 54.7 [ML:undisp ] 53.4333344 [ML:undisp ]
24 54.8333321 24 54.7 1
25 55.3666649 Took you long enough. 55.3666649 Took you long enough.
26 57.2666664 [ML:undisp ] 57.6666679 [ML:undisp ]
27 58.2 Her silver spoon accent was a clue, but royalty? 61.5333328 Her silver spoon accent was a clue, but royalty?
28 62.5666656 28 62.5666656 1
29 66.13333 My daughter, Melia Antiqua, 66.13333 My daughter, Melia Antiqua,
30 68.96667 [ML:undisp ] 67.7 [ML:undisp ]
31 69.03333 31 68.96667 1
32 70.1666641 will depart immediately to face the Tomb. 70.36667 will depart immediately to face the Tomb.
33 73.1 33 73.2 1
34 74.26667 She will seek the approval of our ancestors 74.6666641 She will seek the approval of our ancestors
35 77.96667 and become your crown princess! 78.23334 and become your crown princess!
36 81.6666641 36 80.9 1